Welcome to our website.

We are happy that you want to know more. Website is dedicated to our dogs, PARSON RUSSELL TERRIER - IDEA PALEUR alias Igi and JASMINA PALEUR. Idea was our first parson, I really hoped not the last and now I have two parsons :-).

You can follow all events related to the new members of the family here. I would like to have a great family dogs, a wonderful companions and doing the activities for which the breed was originally designed. I'd like to give priority to them obedience training, hunting training and fox-hunting. It is our responsibility as breeders to assure that the parson russells keep the ability to hunt. I'd like eventualy to have own kennel. Who knows ... :-)
I really hope you will have a great time when you are visiting. I hope you will find what you are looking for. If not, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy your time here.

Lenka Zalabakova


 English site is under construction...

NEWS 2010

21.03.2010 20:23

PLL results

We got DNA PLL (primary lens luxation) results today! Idea Paleur CLEAR, Jasmina Paleur CLEAR. This made us very happy.

16.03.2010 20:09

Some news

Many new photos here. Our banner here.

We are pleased to introduce new personal dog sites which can be found also in our links.

Our dog family that have their website expanded the Jasmina´s brother Jantar Paleur, called King Elvis. You can find him on https://jantarpaleur.webnode.sk.

Our friend Eve, afghan hound, has new websites here.

30.01.2010 21:17

Jasmina is introducing

 Our little Jasmina. Where to start? Hm, here and around the following:

Small, beautiful, sweet, cute teddy bear to hugging. That is Jasmine, until she open her eyes.

Then one big exploration and pranks
begins. In a few days she has already got names like všudybýlek všudybýlková (ubiquitously), vrtichvost (wag tail), Piranha, flea, wriggler, hyperaktiv. This is exactly Jasmine. Best describe is "sitting for a moment on your lap and be hugged? Are you crazy? I do not have time ... turn away". Jasmina is everywhere. Devil in a white coat :-). What can I say? Maybe .... just as her mom Alenka.
Within five minutes after arrival she had explored territory and began to expand ;-). Occupied Igi´s bed, mastered all her toys, jumping on Igi. Igi did not understand at first and was little surprised. Now, after 1 week together everythingis OK.

Girls make us very happy. Some photos of our beginnings are here, here and here.

27.01.2010 00:57

Jasmina is going home

Meteorologists did not make mistake with announced frosted days. However this was not a problem for dogs and their playing in the snow. But back to the beginning. We took a journey to Igi´s birthplace Paleur on Saturday. There followed one pleasant surprise after another. Little hectic weekend for Leona ;-). A lot of meetings. I mean: Inspiration alias Tessie came to visist birthplace too. We were all please to see her. Siblings Idea alias Igi, Inocence alias Sendy, Incident alias Lasik and Inspirace alias Tessie had joyful snow fun with mother Gigi-Lou. It was cold but sun shining day. Nice. In the afternoon came the new owners for puppy Jantar. They named him Elvis and now he lives in Bratislava. Then we spent a great evening with nice people, friendly dogs, cute puppies, good entertainment, great food and drinks. On Sunday, Hercules became temporarily part of kennel. Finally we went to stretch muscles on walk. Than it was time to go home with Jasmina. Despite nearly hour delay of the train, my dog girls managed the whole way well. The weekend photos can be seen here.

22.01.2010 00:25

My new parson

"Cold from Siberia hit the Czech Republic this weekend". "It will be one of the coldest weekend in this winter." That you can read at all news. In short, it will be giant cold. Morning temperatures around -9 and -13, -25 °C on the mountains. Looks like we will have a big adveture again during our trip to Valmez ;-). It is no longer a secret that I would like to buy another parson! And it no secret that it will be Jasmina Paleur from Leona :-). My 2 dreams came true. One was Idea alias Igi (Gigi-Lou offspring) and the second is Jasmina (Frazzle offspring). Many thanks to my friend for his love, support, understanding. Beleive that he is admirable patient with me. Many thanks to Leona for her friendship, assistance and help. Thanks to my dear! I hope Jasmina and Igi will be happy together. I will do everything for it!

17.01.2010 23:44

Snow fun

Lucka kept her promis. No problem with falling snow. She piled into th car cross-country skis at first, than dogs, me and her firend Petr. Direction - Drahan fields. We really enjoyed all afternoon, it can be no doubt. We have unprecedented number of snow and it is lot of fun. Especially when I have tried cross-country skiing for the first time in my life :-D. Despite unfavorable weather, I made some photos. Do not addres the quality and rahter fun. I recomend especially the final part with my falls :-D. Thanks to Lucka for providing images in the second part of the album and mainly for great afternoon full of snow fun!

16.01.2010 23:26

Snow slapstick

Properly using unprecedented amount of snow, no obedience training, only fun and walking in the snow fields. We walked arround prosek rocks in winter coat yesterday. Today we went with Lucka and her dogs to Drahan field. Finally I took a camera, so you can look how our dogs were romping. See also Lucka´s gallery, including shot as Igi tried to choke Coudy ;-). Finally all survied!

11.01.2010 22:41

Snow records

Like most places of the Czech Republic, Prague has been covered in snow in recent days. About 38 cm was measured. This is the most for over the past 17 years! Wow. We enjoy it very much. Today we have decided to go by feet on a good long walk with our friend Petra and her afghan Eve. A piece of snow-covered countryside in Prague´s natural park Orkrouhlik, glitter snow in the evening light, pleasant crunching of fresh snow underfoot. Really great walk for all.

10.01.2010 23:06

Weekend in Paleur

Immediately after the show we wented to Valaske Mezirici to Leona´s kennel PALEUR. Due to the begginnin of announced snow disasters, it was a trip to travel cut out ;-). Snow piles, Czech Railway´s reports "dear passenger we apologize for the delay ...", waiting and waiting. After three hours (instead of one) we successfully arrived to Valmez. There was a lot of fresh snow. The same day at night started to rain. We woke up to "ice kingdom". In respect with it there was a few centimetres ice crust :-O. However, we have again great weekend with paleur kennel. We enjoyed people, dogs, little sweet puppies from Alenka and Frazzle (just had 7 weeks). Thanks a lot, it was super! See photos here.

I almost forgot to mention that we had the opportunity to meet half-brother Hercules and his owner that made us happy. We are proud that we know all the boys from H-litter PALEUR: Hades (Oskar), Hermes, Hercules.


08.01.2010 22:55

National show Olomouc

Igi on National show in Olomouc Promising 2 (only for closer back movement). Judge Vladimira Ticha. Inkognito Smile Paleur (Igi´s brother) Very Promising 1. Congratulation. Some photos here.



Lenka Zalabakova

Prague 9

ICQ: 223-001-102

